Brian Solis

Head of Global Innovation at ServiceNow, Brian, has been heralded by Forbes as “One of the more creative and brilliant business minds of our time,” Brian helps audiences understand trends.

Brian does this by helping leaders see themselves productively shaping the future. Humanizing each wave of emergent disruption.

ZDNet called him “One of the 21st century business world’s leading thinkers.”

Brian helps audiences understand the evolving, complex landscape of digital trends and how they impact our work, markets, and business over time.

"A world's top superforecaster."

"Top futurist speaker."

" Top 20 digital transformation pros you need to follow"

What You’ll Learn:

Adapt to an AI-First World:

Navigate and thrive in the complex, ever-evolving digital landscape, where AI and other technologies are rewriting the rules of engagement.

Spot Emerging Trends:

Develop the foresight to anticipate disruptions before they happen, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth and innovation.

Drive Meaningful Innovation:

Ignite creativity and foster a culture of continuous innovation within your organization, empowering people to see new possibilities and bring them to life.

Lead with Confidence:

Cultivate the resilience and vision to guide your team through uncertainty, inspiring transformative change and uniting others behind a bold new vision.